In accordance with ФЗ-261 “On energy saving …”, an energy audit (energy survey) means:
“collection and processing of information on the use of energy resources in order to obtain reliable information on the amount of energy resources used, on energy efficiency indicators, identify energy saving opportunities and improve energy efficiency with recording of the results obtained in the energy passport”;
The list of organizations for which an energy audit is mandatory is fixed by order No. 400 of the Ministry of Energy of Russia of 30.06.2014 (version of 13.01.2016) “On approval of requirements for conducting an energy survey …”
ASTERO provides services in energy audits based on the SRO certificate «Development of energy saving and energy efficiency» EkspertEnergoAudit No. ЭЭА-278, and is included in the register of energy auditing companies of the Russian Ministry of Energy.
The main area of ASTERO in the field of conducting mandatory energy audits is energy audits of highly dangerous industrial and production enterprises with a rich engineering infrastructure.