A) Personnel
One of the most important aspects of ASTERO’s corporate responsibility is the comprehensive support of the Company’s Personnel education.
The Company provides itself with an external personnel reserve from graduates of universities, developing the material and technical base of the profile educational institutions — partners of the Company. Active work with young specialists, mentoring senior comrades — are one of the most important priorities of the personnel policy of ASTERO. Each employee comes to the company only upon the recommendation.
B) Corruption counteraction
In accordance with the United Nations Convention against Corruption ratified by the Russian Federation in 2006 (ratified most of the provisions of the Convention) and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation «On Combating Corruption», as well as in connection with the ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Criminal Responsibility for Corruption ASTERO has regulatory documents aimed at increasing of transparency and counteracting corruption. ASTERO has the “Code of Business and Corporate Ethics «, the norms of which are mandatory for all managers and employees, and a system of notification of the Code violations has been put in place.
The Company’s management regularly assesses the risks of corruption inherent in the industries and jurisdictions where business activity is carried out, and also considers identified conflicts of interest, on which appropriate response measures are being taken up to the termination of the individual Employee.
ASTERO Company realized a set of measures to use transparent mechanisms and implement effective procurement procedures. The company also regularly interacts and exchanges information with state regulatory authorities of the Russian Federation.
C) Social policy and business ethics
The benchmarks in the work of ASTERO have always been and remain high standards of business ethics. A systematic approach to the implementation of all areas of social policy, close attention to the needs of workers, their families, responsible business conduct — all this contributes to the stability and efficiency of the Company’s social development.
D) Industrial safety, labor and environment protection
ASTERO realizes and recognizes its social, environmental and economic responsibility, which arises from its activities.
In the field of industrial safety, labor protection and environmental protection ASTERO is guided by the requirements of the Russian legislation, the standards of the Customer, the norms of international law. To create a safe working environment for its employees, and minimize the risk of accidents, the Company applies the latest technologies, tools, personal protective equipment, adheres to the most modern methods of production and services rendering.
E) Quality control
ASTERO conducts strict quality control of the services / works performed. Planned and systematic activities of ASTERO on quality control are implemented to ensure that the products, services and processes performed are in compliance with the requirements (standards) of our Clients.